• wednesday, 5 june 2024—12:15

    Bradley King: When children outperform young adults: Examinations into the neural underpinnings of childhood advantages in motor learning

    Bradley King, The University of Utah, USA

    Changes in a specific behavior across the human lifespan are frequently characterized as an inverted-U trajectory. That is, young adults exhibit optimal performance, children are conceptualized as developing systems progressing towards this ideal state, and older adulthood is characterized by performance decrements. However, as developmentalists, we know that not all behaviors follow this trajectory, as there are well-known instances in which children outperform young adults. This presentation will focus on recent behavioral and neuroimaging research that examines instances of childhood advantage in the domain of motor learning and memory consolidation. An overarching theme of this presentation is that investigations into the neuroplastic processes underlying childhood advantages in motor behavior offer a unique opportunity to increase our understanding of the developing brain. 

    Link for online presentation: https://bit.ly/4bVrAXq

    external seminar