Whitney Stee

Ph.D. Student


After completing my Bachelor in Psychological Sciences, I pursued my studies at ULB by giving them a neuroscientific turn when choosing the Master in Neuropsychology from which I graduated in 2019. During my Master, I had the chance to conduct a great master thesis project about the effect of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on the consolidation of motor memory under the supervision of Philippe Peigneux & Liliia Roshchupkina.

At this time, I am still working under Philippe Peigneux’s supervision but as a PhD-student. My current PhD project aims at investigating the structural changes in connectivity linked to motor memory consolidation that appear in the short and long term. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Neurite Orientation and Dispersion Density Imaging (NODDI) will be used to address this question.

