CRCN related meeting

Prof Dr Lino NOBILI: The application of Stereo-EEG to the study of sleep related epilepsies and sleep physiology

You are cordially invited to attend a course seminar proposed with the support of the FNRS Doctoral School in Neurosciences, Wednesday November 26, 2014, 16h00, Salle Hildebrand (3rd floor), ULB Erasme Hospital.


The application of Stereo-EEG to the study of sleep related epilepsies and sleep physiology


Prof Dr Lino NOBILI, Centre of Sleep Medicine, Centre for Epilepsy Surgery “C. Munari”, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy


Summary: Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) involves the stereotactic placement of intracerebral multilead electrodes to obtain long-term EEG recording of seizures in a 3-D arrangement. Its main goal is to define the spatial and temporal organization of focal onset seizures thus allowing the anatomical, electrical and clinical characterization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). As a clinical tool, SEEG is used during the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy when non-invasive tests have failed to adequately localize the EZ. By using S-EEG many clinical and pathophysiological aspects of sleep-related epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysmal behaviours (sometimes coexisting in epileptic patients) have been clarified. On the other hand, SEEG has also been used as a research tool, providing novel human data on the local physiological activity of different cortical and subcortical structures during the different states of the sleep-wake cycle.

Prof Dr Lino NOBILI: The application of Stereo-EEG to the study of sleep related epilepsies and sleep physiology


Accreditation for PhD students will be provided.


You are also cordially invited to the Connex seminar delivered by Professor Nobili the same day (26/11) à 12h15, Room Bertelson, Bâtiment D, 10th floor, ULB Solbosch campus


Information requests: Prof. Philippe Peigneux,