• wednesday, 17 april 2024—12:15

    Francesca Panzeri - Irony comprehension in autism

    Francesca Panzeri, University of Milano-Bicocca

    In this talk, I will present and discuss the results of a study conducted on autistic children aimed at evaluating their comprehension of ironic remarks (both ironic criticisms and ironic compliments), and at identifying the cognitive and linguistic factors that may underpin this ability. Autistic children lagged behind neurotypical children in the comprehension of both types of irony, and their performance was related to mindreading and linguistic abilities. Interestingly, the group of autistic children displayed an interesting, and previously unattested in the literature, bimodal distribution: the great majority of them demonstrated a very poor performance in irony understanding, whereas some were at ceiling.

    Join the talk on Teams: https://bit.ly/3U1PBGq

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